Airport Directions
Stewart Airport - Newburgh, NY
Newburgh is about 30 minutes away. You can either take an Uber/Taxi or rent a car to get to Poughkeepsie.
Westchester Airport - White Plains, NY
Westchester is about 50 minutes away. You can either take an Uber/Taxi or rent a car to get to Poughkeepsie.
LaGuardia Airport, NYC
Take LaGuardia Link Q70 SBS to 61st Woodside / transfer to 7 line subway to Grand Central Station / take Metro North “Hudson Line” to last stop Poughkeepsie / walk up Main St. to MJN Center (5 min away)
JFK Airport, NYC
Take the airtrain JFK to Jamaica Station / transfer to E line subway to 5th ave / walk to Grand Central Station/ take Metro North “Hudson Line” to last stop Poughkeepsie / walk up Main St. to MJN Center (5 min away)
Contacting by phone:
Please use code “TAT” when booking by phone to receive discounted room rates. (845) 485-5300
Booking Online:
You can easily reserve your accommodation by the “reserve” button on this page. Your discounted room rates will already be applied through this link only.
Booking Online via Double Tree by Hilton website:
Please use code “TAT” if booking directly on Double Tree website.
Lodging available at Double Tree by Hilton right next to the MJN Convention Center.
MJN Convention Center